As of May 15, 2018, all CIHR application participants (Nominated Principal Applicant, Principal Knowledge User, Knowledge User, Principal Applicant, Program Leader, Project Leader, Co-Applicant, Project Expert, Primary Supervisor, Program Expert, Supervisor) must complete the new Equity and Diversity Questionnaire before the eSubmission deadline. Applicants listed as “Collaborators” are not required to complete the questionnaire.
Fellowship Award
Useful resource: ResearchNet – Frequently Asked Questions
E-Submission Procedures
1. Application preparation
The application must be prepare using ResearchNet. Adhere to the acceptable application formats and attachments guidelines.
2. ResearchNet
In the “Institution Paid” field, it is critical that you select the UBC code “CAAA” from the dropdown list to ensure your application is routed to UBC ORS for approval. Do not type a response in this field or select another institution from the dropdown list as your application will not be routed to ORS for approval. For the “Location of Project” field, select the institution where the project will take place (e.g., VCHRI, BCCA, CFRI).
The Nominated Principal Applicant (NPA) must print and obtain signatures from other participants (i.e. Primary supervisor etc.).
3. Understand and comply with any faculty-specific requirements and/or deadlines
Use the UBC Research Project Information Form (RPIF) and follow UBC Signatures requirement .
Please check with your grant facilitator regarding faculty-specific requirements and/or deadlines.
4. Submit required pages to the appropriate ORS contact by the internal deadline
You can email or drop off the following pages to the appropriate ORS location. Ensure you have collected ALL required signatures prior to submitting to ORS, and that the documents submitted to ORS are identical to your ResearchNet submission. Please note the application submitted to ORS will not be returned to the applicant. Ensure you keep a copy for your records.
Required pages:
- A signed UBC Research Project Information Form
- Page 1 and 2 of the CIHR Application Detail sections (download from ResearchNet under "Preview Application Materials")
- Summary of research proposal page
- CIHR applicant signature pages, includes:
- CIHR Routing Slip
- CIHR Signature page with your UBC academic supervisor's signatory
- CIHR Institution page - no ink signature is required from UBCB ORS because the institution is participating in the Electronic Approval Project. This means that when ORS approves your application online and submits it to CIHR via ResearchNet, the Institution/Authorized Individual is abiding by the “Meaning of Signatures” detailed in the Grants and Awards Guide.
5. Submit your ONLINE application by October 1, 2024 at 12:00pm
Submit your full application on ResearchNet by the above-stated Applicant’s e-Submission deadline. To do this, the applicant must complete and link all forms and CIHR Academic CVs as described in the CIHR instructions. Scan and upload the signed signature pages including the CIHR Routing Slip and a blank CIHR institution page as one PDF, in the Print/Upload Signature Pages task. “Preview” all components to ensure all application tasks are complete, including the Consent. Then click “Submit” your application to ORS for online approval.
Note that ORS cannot view or approve your application until you have submitted it online. CIHR will not follow up with PIs who submit an incomplete application; the application is simply withdrawn from the competition. For more information, review the CIHR Policy on Complete Applications.
6. ORS reviews your application
If all requirements are met, ORS will approve your application in ResearchNet by CIHR’s deadline. ORS has read-only access to your application and cannot make changes. If the application is not approved, ORS will return it to you for changes. ORS is no longer required to physically sign applications submitted on ResearchNet.
7. ORS approves and submits your application
Once ORS has approved your application, ResearchNet will automatically forward it to CIHR. You will receive an email from ResearchNet confirming that CIHR has received your application. No changes can be made to your application once it has been submitted to CIHR.