All applications to the Research Trainee Program must be electronically submitted via the new MSHR BC ApplyNet. Please review the guidelines and instructions for applicants and third parties on MSHR BC website.
Please review the documentation requirements when obtaining signatures and follow the signature policies & deadlines below.
Determined by your department
UBC Supervisor's department deadline.
Determined by your Faculty
UBC Supervisor's faculty deadline
Suggested minimum two (2) business days before UBC internal deadline.
Thursday, December 12, 2024, 4:30 p.m. PT
Letter of Intent deadline
Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 4:30 p.m. PT
UBC internal deadline
See procedure #3 below.
Thursday, February 13, 2025, 4:30 p.m. PT
Applicant's e-submission deadline
See procedure #4 below. Your electronic application should be submitted on ApplyNet by this date.
While ORS makes every effort to submit all applications on time and to facilitate support for our research community, applications submitted after the UBC internal deadline are not guaranteed to receive an administrative review from ORS, which includes confirmation of the completeness of the application.
Useful Resource: MSHR BC ApplyNet FAQ
E-Submission Procedures
1. Application preparation
Your application must be prepared using ApplyNet. Please Identify your Third Parties. Note that you cannot submit your full application until all of your Third Parties have completed their tasks. It is your responsibility to follow up with your Third Parties to ensure the timely completion of their tasks before the UBC internal deadline. The final approval of your MSHR BC application will be made electronically by ORS.
2. Understand and comply with faculty-specific requirements and/or deadlines
Use the UBC Research Project Information Form (RPIF) and follow the UBC Signatures requirement.
- Supervisor
- Head of Department
- Dean of Faculty (Exceptions: Science, Applied Science, School of Kinesiology)
For applicants with Faculty of Medicine supervisors, please refer to FoM MSFHR Trainee instructions.
Please check here regarding faculty-specific requirements.
3. Submit required pages to the appropriate ORS contact by the internal deadline
You can email or drop off the following pages at the appropriate ORS location. Ensure you have collected ALL required signatures prior to submitting to ORS, and that the documents submitted to ORS are identical to your ApplyNet submission. Please note these documents will not be returned to you because ORS will approve your application on ApplyNet.
- Page 1-3 from MSHR BC Full application including organization affiliation and Host Institution up to COVID-19 Impact Statement
- Project title and lay summary from MSHR BC Full Application
- Supervisor and Co-Supervisor page from MSHR BC Full Application
- A signed UBC Research Project Information Form (RPIF) Under “Principal Investigator or Research-Applicant” provide the supervisor’s name, contact info and department details should be those of the supervisor. Enter trainee’s name under “Is this is a student or trainee fellowship, please enter recipient name” in Box B.
4. Submit your ONLINE application by Applicant's eSubmission deadline
Ensure all information is complete. Once you submit your full application to UBC, you will receive an auto-email from ApplyNet with a PDF of your full application.
5. ORS reviews your application
If all requirements are met, ORS will electronically approve your application by the host-institution deadline of March 1, 2024. ORS has read-only access to your application and cannot make changes on your behalf. If changes are required, ORS can return to you if only the application has not been submitted to the agency.
6. ORS approves and submits your application
Once ORS hits “submit”, you will receive an auto-email from ApplyNet confirming that UBC has approved and your application is now with MSFHR ready for review.