Ensure your My CIHR Profile on ResearchNet is Up to Date On/After December 13, 2024

December 12, 2024

The following message from CIHR was sent to University Delegates on Dec. 12, 2024

As of December 13, 2024, a new My CIHR Profile will be available in ResearchNet. Your My CIHR Profile is an optional, self-serve tool that will allow ResearchNet users to view, input, and update your personal information. Certain fields will be conveniently pre-populated with information already on file with CIHR.

The first time you log into your ResearchNet account on or after December 13, you will be taken directly to your My CIHR Profile. Your My CIHR Profile can also be accessed by clicking on your name in the top right-hand corner once logged into your ResearchNet account. You are encouraged to review and validate your Profile information. 

Periodically ensuring your information is up to date, allows CIHR to:

  • Know your communication preferences
  • Confirm your eligibility for our programs
  • Calculate Research Support Fund amounts 
  • Plan and evaluate our programs
  • Support your participation in peer review

It is important to make sure that your Profile is linked to the correct primary affiliation as CIHR uses this information to allocate grant contributions to the appropriate institution for Research Support Fund calculations. Errors can result in misattribution of funding. The primary affiliation is the main location of the Institution or Organization where your research project or training will take place.

For support with your CIHR profile, please reach out to the CIHR Contact Centre.

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